- Software for Digital Collections Strengths and Weaknesses
- Tell us what you thought of THATCamp NCPH
- Debriefing from today’s THATCamp NCPH
- Proposed new format for scholarly publishing: A “perpetual history”
- 2nd workshop idea: Constructing a WordPress site
- Is there room for provenance in the digital world?
- Administrative (3)
- Archives (1)
- Blogging (4)
- Crowdsourcing (1)
- Digital Literacy (2)
- General (17)
- Libraries (1)
- Museums (1)
- Open Access (1)
- Proceedings of THATCamp (3)
- Project Management (2)
- Project Promotion (1)
- Publishing (2)
- Research Methods (2)
- Search (1)
- Session Proposals (21)
- Social Media (2)
- Teaching (2)
- Workshops (2)
Emily Pfotenhauer
- Outreach Specialist, Wisconsin Heritage Online
- Wisconsin Library Services (WiLS)
- Twitter: @wiheritage
Since 2009, I've served as the Outreach Specialist for Wisconsin Heritage Online, a collaborative statewide digitization program sponsored by Wisconsin Library Services. I provide training and support to libraries, archives, museums and historical societies undertaking projects to digitize photographs, artifacts, manuscripts, and other collections of Wisconsin history materials. I completed an M.A. in Art History with a certificate in Material Culture Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2006.