Comments on: large scale digital projects The Humanities and Technology Camp Fri, 01 Jun 2012 08:16:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tom Scheinfeldt Tue, 17 Apr 2012 14:07:45 +0000 Sounds great. Happy to join.

By: Charlene Mires Tue, 17 Apr 2012 14:07:45 +0000 Amanda, I definitely would join you for this – thanks for posting it. We have the same issues in the Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia project. I’d be happy to share what we have done with WordPress, and show how it works on the back end. But I have a big question about it, which is how far can we go with WordPress? Will it be enough to do everything we want to do? I agree with Jack that it would be great if Tom could join us.
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We have posted some future design plans on this site under “About” / “Envisioning Our Future”

By: Jack Dougherty Tue, 17 Apr 2012 12:12:19 +0000 This session idea on digital history project management interests me, and may be relevant for projects both big and small. Perhaps we can persuade Tom Scheinfeldt to join this session? I know he’s done project management sessions in the past (just found Tom’s public notes on project mgmt deep inside my GDocs folder), and he’s currently working with the Encyclopedia of Connecticut History Online (ECHO) project, which you can follow at ECHO underway (
